2020年7月至今 太阳集团城官网1407 副教授
在Soil & Tillage Research、Field Crops Research、Science of the Total Environment、Advances in Agronomy、Environmental Research Letters、Agricultural Water Management等期刊发表论文19篇,其中SCI论文14篇。代表性学术论文如下:
1. Hu, C., Lei, F., Zhang, X., Shi, J., Li, J., Zuo, X., ... & Guo, X. (2023). Black carbon derived from pyrolysis of maize straw and polystyrene microplastics affects soil biodiversity. Science of The Total Environment, 881, 163398.
2. Hu, C., Sadras, V. O., Wang, Z., Du, W., Lei, X., Yang, M., ... & Zhang, S. (2023). Yield-and protein-neutral reduction in fertilizer rate for wheat, maize and rice can reduce the release of reactive nitrogen and greenhouse gas emissions in China. Environmental Research Letters, 18(6), 064031.
3. Hu, C., Sadras, V. O., Lu, G., Zhang, P., Han, Y., Liu, L., ... & Zhang, S. (2021). A global meta-analysis of split nitrogen application for improved wheat yield and grain protein content. Soil and Tillage Research, 213, 105111.
4. Jin, X., Hu, C., Khan, A., Zhang, S., Yang, X., Jia, L., & Sun, R. (2021). Comparison of fractionation methods for soil phosphorus with soils subjected to various long-term fertilization regimes on a calcareous soil. PeerJ Inorganic Chemistry, 3, e3.
5. Hu, C., Sadras, V. O., Lu, G., Jin, X., Xu, J., Ye, Y., ... & Zhang, S. (2019). Dual-purpose winter wheat: interactions between crop management, availability of nitrogen and weather conditions. Field Crops Research, 241, 107579.
6. Hu, C., Sadras, V. O., Lu, G., Zhang, R., Yang, X., & Zhang, S. (2019). Root pruning enhances wheat yield, harvest index and water-use efficiency in semiarid area. Field Crops Research, 230, 62-71.
7. Hu, C., Ding, M., Qu, C., Sadras, V., Yang, X., & Zhang, S. (2015). Yield and water use efficiency of wheat in the Loess Plateau: Responses to root pruning and defoliation. Field Crops Research, 179, 6-11.
8. Hu, C., Zheng, C., Sadras, V. O., Ding, M., Yang, X., & Zhang, S. (2018). Effect of straw mulch and seeding rate on the harvest index, yield and water use efficiency of winter wheat. Scientific reports, 8(1), 8167.
1. 国家重点研发计划项目:旱地玉米田土壤障碍因子消减与肥水调控综合技术模式构建与示范(2021YFD190070310),2021.07-2025.12,在研,主持;
2. 太阳集团城官网1407科研启动项目:黄土高原不同轮作方式下作物产量效应及水分平衡研究,2020.09-2023.09,在研,主持;
3. 陕西省科技计划项目:陕西省野外科学观测研究站后补助项目,2022.01-2023.12,在研,参加;
4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:旱地秸秆覆盖冬小麦收获指数降低的机理(31170411),2012-2016年,主要参与人;
5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:黄土高原地膜覆盖冬小麦利用播前底墒的过程及调控机制(31672243),2017-2020年,参与人;
6. 国家重点研发计划子课题:关中麦玉体系小麦有机替代技术研究与综合模式示范(2018YFD0200404-1),2018-2020年,参与人;
7. 国家重点研发计划子课题:小麦-玉米轮作区氮磷淋溶的阻控机制与措施研究(2016YFD0800105-2),2016-2020年,参与人;
8. 长期施肥黄土肥力演化与肥料效益响应,科技部野外台站基础性长期研究,2006年-,参与人。
通讯地址:陕西杨凌邰城路3号 太阳集团城官网1407