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关于举办“Facilitating sustainable management of the Earth's Critical Zone: The role of soil moisture science and technology”的学术报告

发布日期:2016-09-05    浏览次数:


  报告题目:Facilitating sustainable management of the Earth's Critical Zone: The role of soil      moisture science and technology


  报告地点:太阳集团城官网1407307 会议室


  Tyson Ochsner于2003年获爱荷华州立大学博士学位,2003年-2008年任美国农业部土壤科学家,2008年至今历任美国俄克拉荷马州州立大学植物与土壤科学系助理教授和终身副教授。主要从事水土资源及土壤水平衡、地表能量平衡等方面研究。主持或参与项目23项。在 Water Resources Research, Soil Science Society of America Journal,Hydrological Processes, Agricultural Water Management, Vadose Zone Journal等刊物发表学术论文50余篇。

  摘要:Sustainable management of the “critical zone” requires adequate understanding of dynamic critical zone state variables that influence key ecosystem processes. A wide variety of ecosystem processes important to human and natural systems are strongly influenced by soil moisture. Unfortunately, adequate soil moisture information is not widely available because soil moisture measurements are relatively sparse and soil moisture levels exhibit exceptional spatial variability due to human and natural factors. Our group is working to improve the quality, availability, and use of soil moisture information in Oklahoma and beyond. This presentation will provide an overview of these ongoing efforts including: 1) using a cosmic-ray neutron rover to understand the primary drivers of spatial variability in soil moisture; 2) creating high-resolution, operational, statewide soil moisture maps by merging multiple data sources; 3) developing tools for both site-specific and statewide estimation of soil moisture conditions under cropland where no measurements exist; 4) exploring the use of soil moisture information to improve wildfire danger ratings; and 5) providing annual soil-moisture based, statewide maps indicating potential groundwater recharge. These efforts provide a glimpse of the growing importance of soil moisture science and technology in facilitating sustainable management of the Earth’s critical zone.





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