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关于举办“The Rhizosphere: Impact of Phosphorus and Micronutrient Acquisition by Plant”学术报告会的通知

发布日期:2011-04-19    浏览次数:



报告题目:The Rhizosphere: Impact of Phosphorus and Micronutrient Acquisition by Plant (1 hr + discussion)




报告人:Prof. Dr. Volker Roemheld, Hohenheim University, Germany














Dr. Volker Römheld



Personal Data



Born:                   22.November 1941 in Schwaig/Nürnberg (Germany)


Nationality:           German


Academic titles:     Diploma in Chemical Engineering


                     Diploma in Horticulture


                     Ph. D. Technical University, Berlin


Professor since 1992


Position:         Professor in Plant Nutrition,


     University Hohenheim, Stuttgart


Address:        Institut für Pflanzenernährung (330)


     Universität Hohenheim


     D-70593 Stuttgart, Germany


     Tel.        (49)711 459 23714


     private:(49)711 456670


     Fax        (49)711 459 23295


             E-mail: v.roemheld@uni-hohenheim.de




Education and Professional Career



1960-1963                             Study of Chemical Engineering, Ohm-


     Polytechnicum, Nürnberg


1963-1964             Employment as a chemical engineer in the


     research laboratories of the pharmaceutical


     firm Dr. R. Pfleger, Bamberg, Germany


1964-1966             Apprenticeship in horticulture


            (practical training program)


1966-1970                             Study of Horticulture, Technical University, Berlin


1969-1972             Scholarship holder of "Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes"


1971-1972             9-months-stay at the Botanical Department of the


                     University of Leeds under the supervision of


                     Prof. H. W. Woolhouse


1972-1978             Assistant at the Institute for Plant Nutrition,


                     Technical University of Berlin


1979                                             Ph.D. thesis; Mechanism of uptake and trans-


            location of iron chelates by higher plants.


            Technical University, Berlin




1979-1988             Research assistant at the Institute of


     Plant Nutrition, University Hohenheim, Stuttgart


1988                     Postdoctoral lectureship qualification


     (Habilitation) in plant nutrition


1992                     Professor in Plant Nutrition at the


     University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart


since 1996             Visiting Professor at Zheijiang Agricultural University,


                     Hangzhou, PR China


1996-2004             Provisional Director of the Institute of Plant


                     Nutrition, University Hohenheim


since 2004             Professor in Plant Nutrition at


the University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart



Main Research Interests



Function, uptake and fertilization of micronutrients; genotypical differences in nutrient acquisition, especially phosphorus and micronutrients; rhizosphere processes responsible for plant nutrition and


plant health; plant nutrition in ecological farming; plant nutrition in the tropics and subtropics; environmental aspects of plant nutrition; plant uptake of heavy metals; phytoremediation; recycling of agricultural and industrial by-products and waste; cooperation with various institutions abroad (England, Netherlands, Israel, USA, Canada, Brazil, Japan, China, Thailand, New Zealand).




290 publications in national and international scientific journals.


Membership and Honorary Post


Deutsche Gesellschaft für Pflanzenernährung (DPG)
Deutsche Bodenkundliche Gesellschaft (DBG)
Society of Experimental Botany (SEB)
American Society of Plant Physiology


American Society of Agronomy


American Society of Soil Sciences


American Society of Crop Sciences


Membership of Editorial Board:


J. Plant Nutrition


Bio Metals


Plant and Soil


Biology and Fertility of Soils


Regular reviewer for following journals:


Plant Physiology


New Phytologist


J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sciences


J. Exp. Botany


Scientia Horticulturae




J. Plant Physiology



   敬请广大师生参加 。                                                                                         









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